
Get Aligned. Get Funded.
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Welcome Aligned Solutionaries!

The Aligned.Fund Freedom Ecosystem aligns Soul’s Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical, Economic, Cultural & Political bodies to the highest levels of health, wellness and joy by ensuring each Soul, their family and community attain the highest level of freedom within the 12 regenerative sectors of their lives; Energy, Water, Food, Health, Shelter, Waste, Education, Communications, Transportation, Manufacturing, Economics & Governance.

About Us

The Aligned Team’s Prime Directive is to align 90,000,000 Souls to Love and to a highly coherent state of physiological coherence which allows each Soul to maximize their Soul’s enjoyment through resource optimization with the guidance of the Health and Impact Concierge.

We Are solutionaries

Solutionary [suh-LOO-shuh ner-ee]

A person who identifies inhumane, unsustainable, and unjust systems and then develops solutions that are healthy and equitable for people, animals, and the environment. pertaining to or characterized by solving problems in a strategic, systemic way that does the most good and least harm to people, animals, and the environment.

What’s the difference between a solutionary and a problem-solver?

When solutionaries seek to solve a problem, they identify all who are impacted by the problem and the systems that perpetuate it. This includes all people, other species, and the environment. Once they understand the systems that create and support the problem, they devise a solutionary solution.

What’s the difference between a solutionary and a humanitarian?

While solutionaries often do humanitarian acts, they primarily focus on solving problems so that they cease to exist. Whereas a humanitarian may donate money to a food pantry, participate in a beach clean up, or volunteer at an animal shelter, a solutionary spends more of their time and effort trying to solve the problems of hunger, pollution, and animal cruelty, while still participating in humanitarian acts to alleviate suffering.







The Solutionary Agency takes each Soul, Family, Organization or Community through a resource and decision mapping process that asesses, optimizes and aligns the most optimal plan for the highest level of fulfillment and success for each Soul involved ensuring optiminum health, wellness and happiness.

The Solutionary Agency focuses on deploying regenerative solutionaries in the 12 fundamental areas (Energy, Water Food, Health, Shelter, Waste/Materials, Education, Communications, Transportation, Manufacturing, Economics and Governance) that give individuals, families and communites resource freedom, independence and security.

The Solutionary Agency deploys Solutionary Missions in 12 Regenerative Mission categories of Energy, Water, Food, Health, Shelter, Waste, Education, Communications, Transportation, Manufacturing, Economics and Governance by supporting Solutionaries to lead Community Wide Regeneration Campaigns globally.

The Solutionary.Studio is the business builder that discovers, deciphers, designs & develops each solutionary’s business missions. The Studio harnesses the expertise of an allstart advisory team that knows every sector on the planet. See some of our allstarts here at

The Solutionary.Studio builds regenerative mission led businesses to solve every problem on and off planet earth. We build service & soul based businesses around giving every community their resource freedom, security and autonomy by sharing our 12 sectors of regenerative solutions. Start a business with us or join one of our active missions!

The Solutionary Studio actively is building for-profit and non-profit mission-led businesses to deliver advanced regenerative Energy, Water, Food, Health, Shelter, Waste, Education, Communications, Transportation, Manufacturing, Economics and Governance solutions to import resource Freedom to every community on and off planet Earth. 

The Solutionary.Tech team provides the most advanced regenerative freedom giving technologies that empower our solutionaries to achieve their missions of giving Energy, Water, Food, Health, Shelter, Waste, Education, Communication, Transportation, Manufacturing, Economic & Governance freedoms. 

New Energy technologies that consume no fuel and give abundant clean free energy at their point of use are now going into mass manufacturing. Bringing enery costs to $0 per kilowatt hour allows our Solutionary Engineers to design new Energy, Water, Food, Health, Shelter & Waste systems that truly bring freedom, security and independence to our families and communiteis.

With the ability to create Energy Regenerators that produce abundant clean energy wherever they are, we now have the ability to power the most advanced atmospheric air-to-water generators. This allows us to bring clean energy and clean water to any place on planet earth. These two Regenerators will soon be autonomos, VTOL,  self-powered and available. 

The Solutionary Institute is where every Solutionary will have access to the most up to date information on every single subject that they will ever need to learn about. This is a modern day Alexandrian library of all knowledge to equip Solutionaries with the most comprehensive, accessible and digestible information set ever assembled. 

The Institute offers an array of courses on the most advanced subjects and courses to enrich each Solutionary’s Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical, Economic, Cultural and Political bodies. Through interactive regenerative showcases the Institute creates immersive physical and virtual environments to convey the most complex subjects in the simplest of ways. 

The Institute is a repository for ancient and modern knowledge to ensure humanity’s path to Love over Fear and to Resource Freedom so that the human Soul will never be subjected to the levels of subjugation that it has heretofore. Wisdom councils advise the curriculm to keep it current, relevant and effective in continuing to serve the mission of ensuring the freedom of every Soul on and off planet Earth. 

Our Services


This is our global network of Souls who have chosen to pledge their lives to living from a space of Love. 


Serving and stewarding Solutionaries in accomplising their purpose and regenerative missions. 


12 Centers of Excellence cultivating, collaborating and sharing the most advanced regenerative knowledge.

Maximizing Soul’s 7 energetic bodies; Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical, Economic, Cultural and Political health.


Building mission led businesses to accomplish the goals of regenerating each of the 12 regenerative sectors.


Aligned Communities achieving and sharing resource freedom that can be virtually toured & exprienced.

Maximizing optimal impact of Soul’s decisions on their personal, professional and community relationships.


Licensing advanced regenerative technologies and solutions to ensure humanity & Earth’s regeneration.


Get Aligned and Get Funded is all that is needed to align capital resources to your regenerative dreams. 

Our Partners

Our Foundations


The team at Aligned.Fund has helped align our business resources in order to be structured to recieve equity, debt and grant financing to help us achieve our Regenerator manufacturing  goals. 

Paul Babcock

President, Regenerator.Club

The Aligned.Fund team successfully aligned our business needs and then, once our business model, investment deck, data room, solution story/hook/offer was ready, introduced us to the Aligned Network, which then allowed us to bring millions in financing to scale our products. 


Doe, Aloe Care

From The Blog

The Business Agency Case Study You’ll Never Forget

The Business Agency Case Study You’ll Never Forget

Mauris at est ante. Nam sit amet augue eget sapien rhoncus tincidunt. Donec eleifend, enim eu dapibus ullamcorper, elit erat dignissim ex, eu ultricies felis justo a ligula. Proin sed consectetur libero. Aenean blandit dolor consequat vulputate euismod. Donec...

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